Saturday, June 22, 2024

Emeryville Scrapes Bottom on Climate Score

Worst in Northern Alameda County:

Emeryville Fails Climate Audit

The Bay Area’s Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force released their Alameda County Climate Scorecard this week, revealing Emeryville to be dead last among cities in northern Alameda County on critical climate issues.  The task force, a Bay Area wide coalition of elected officials, city and county staff, community based non-governmental organizations, youth, environmental and social activists and “front line communities”, released the scorecard Tuesday.  

Below 50 is a fail.
The scorecard shows Emeryville tied with Dublin for 11th place out of the 15 municipalities in the Alameda County, and ranked as dead last among the seven northern County cities.  The three cities of Berkeley, San Leandro, and Alameda received the highest scores, with ratings of 66, 64, and 62 respectively, while Emeryville only managed to score 44.

Emeryville received failing marks in all five public policy categories and failed four of the five transportation measures.  The public policy measures were Emeryville's greatest weakness as both Berkeley and Oakland received top scores in four of those five measures, in contrast to Emeryville's across-the-board failures.  

Looked at numerically, the scorecard should serve as a wake up call to the cities scoring lower than 50; the bottom half.  Across the entire county, only Newark, Union City and Livermore scored worse overall than Emeryville.

The climate task force teamed up with undergraduate students at the University of California Berkeley to produce the document entitled ‘Alameda County Climate Scorecard 2023-2024’.  Motivating the partnership is the desire to “address societal challenges and for more equitable communities across California” the team reports.

The scorecard may be viewed here:


  1. Most Excellent ¿

    1. It's most excellent for Berkeley. For Emeryville? Not so much.
      Bauters owns this score. Spread this to Alameda County voters.

  2. Did anyone actually read the report? (Thanks for the link.) We are #1 in Walkability. #1 in Bikability Dead Last in Busability. I guess we need someone from Emeryville on the County Commissioners. How big a part of the CLIMATE rating are things like "Declared that racism is a public health issue". Not saying it's not worth doing, but hardly what I'd expect on a Climate Scorecard.

    1. This is the problem with partisan politics. This commenter reads the report and realizes it's bad for John Bauters election campaign to county commissioner (because he's the longest serving council member). So he peddles it as a strength for Bauters. He turns Bauters weakness into a strength. Just like a good Republican would. But sorry guy: Bauters can own the good coming out of the council but he has to also own the bad. This is on him. Stop with the knee jerk politics please. Emeryville is worse than the neighbors on climate change when comparing it fairly. Berkeley put in the work so they get the best marks. You can't say Emeryville gets to skip to the top simply because it would help your man.

    2. West Oakland resident here. With the Emery-Go-Round as a fare-free accessible service with bike racks that covers most of the city weekdays and the Shellmound route on weekends as well, the zero busability rating makes no sense to me.

  3. "Declared that racism is a public health issue"?
    If this is the kind of thing that scores a city poorly on this climate "audit", then it's hard to take this kind of news seriously.
    Honestly, shame on the Tattler for republishing this stuff without bothering to even see what it's about. The Tattler I'm used to is usually better about sniffing out BS instead of reveling in it.

    1. Climate change adversely effects the health of poor people and people of color first and the most. This has been well described and confirmed. There is absolutely a racial component to it. Deniers can't see climate change and its attending inequity. We've heard enough from climate deniers, thank you. The time is for action.

    2. The primary function of the Tattler is to report on and thereby protect the public commons. The commons are a contested space and private concerns, commonly corporate concerns, are always looking to control the commons for their own benefit. Public policy is part of the public commons. We're always on the lookout for BS from the greedsters who would control the commons, including climate change deniers, racists and other corporate minions even the unwitting ones among them.
