Friday, November 12, 2010

Petition To Fire Police Chief Ken James Circulates

Gun Group Says Chief James 
Must Go

An organization of gun zealots, the so called 'Responsible Citizens of California', is organizing a state-wide petition to demand the removal of Emeryville's Chief of Police Ken James for alleged violations of the US Constitution the Tattler has learned.  The Internet based group does not appear to have one Emeryville member.

The organization is centralized on the sanction of the "open carry" movement; those who advocate for openly brandishing firearms in shopping malls, around schools and anywhere else in the public arena they see fit.  Police Chief James has publicly rebuked the movement as a waste of police resources and as a serious public safety problem.  The petition started soon after Mr James received Brady Campaign honors for meritorious work for common sense gun regulation.

So far the petition has garnered 33 signatories.

Ken James, an extremely popular chief of police with Emeryville residents, is employed at the pleasure of the Emeryville City Council.

Below is the text of the petition:
To:  City of Emeryville, Emeryville Police Chief Ken James
When in the course of the history of a nation, a government of that nation repudiates its duty to protect the God given rights and liberties of the people and instead evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, a decent respect for the history of that nation and the rule of law requires that they detail their grievances. The Constitution of the these United States declares that “Congress shall make no law…abridging…the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The people have peaceably assembled to voice their displeasure over the course this government has taken, and continue to do so. Those objections have been ignored, derided and met with repeated injury. Such actions demonstrate this government’s resolute intention to establish an absolute tyranny over the people. Therefore, we the people are resolved to resist these intentions and are now formally petitioning our government for a redress of our grievances. To accomplish this, let the following be submitted to the government and laid before the people:

WHEREAS, all available government and peer-reviewed research shows criminals are deterred by law-abiding citizens with the tools to defend themselves,

WHEREAS, the concept of victim disarmament is embodied in laws that disarm law-abiding citizens, while having no effect upon armed criminals, except to enable their absolute dominance and safety in nearly any criminal confrontation,

WHEREAS, Emeryville Police Chief Ken James has violated his sworn oath to support the Constitution, by acting as a leading government campaigner on behalf of victim disarmament and criminal safety above all else,

WE THE PEOPLE demand the immediate termination or resignation of Emeryville Police Chief Ken James.
The Undersigned


  1. Are these people even literate? What a sad state of affairs for a group of irresponsible people to go after a Chief of Police of the stature of Chief Ken James, one of the most respected law enforcement officers in the nation. This group should be ashamed of itself.

    1. Respected by whom? A bunch of left wing loonies? He's delusional!

  2. I suppose the irony of their name; 'Responsible Citizens...' is lost on them.

  3. Don't you just love our lunatic extremists?
    They rarely seem to realize that the democratic form of government they claim to be defending was designed to protect us from control by lunatic extremists.

  4. Well, the photo of the demur little girl pretty much tells you everything you need to know about these cretins.

  5. Give them their "rights" and sign them up for the equivalent of the militia. Oh, and while you are at it, give them the guns and powder of the day and send them on their merry way. Talk about unclear on the concept! This country becomes more bizarre by the day.

  6. This is not a Responsible Citizens of California petition, it belongs to Samuel Roe (

    This petition has been circulating for months. I checked the membership on RCC and this man is not a member

  7. Brandish: n : the act of waving 1: move or swing back and forth.
    Open Carriers never even so much as touch their weapons when in public.
    Dumb ass.

  8. tr.v. bran·dished, bran·dish·ing, bran·dish·es
    1. To flourish (a weapon, for example) menacingly.
    2. To display ostentatiously. See Synonyms at flourish.
    A menacing or defiant flourish.

  9. So none of your definitions apply Mr. Donahue

  10. The Responsible Citizens of California's official response to this blog post can be found here.

  11. This blog is written by an idiot and the people of Emeryville are idiots for allowing our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS to be taken away ILLEGALLY!! Ken James isn't an idiot. He's playing you for the saps you are.

  12. Mr. Donahue - I caution that misrepresentation about the Responsible Citizens of California will potentially lead to legal action. You have represented this petition came from our group when in fact it came from Samuel Roe. The manner in which this was presented leads me to believe that you are intentionally trying to destroy the credibility of the open carry movement and specifically RCC.

    Consider this a warning. Cease and desist.


    Jeffrey Dunhill
    Director of Security
    Responsible Citizens of California

  13. Law abiding gun owners WILL NOT BE MOCKED! We WILL NOT allow our sacred Constitution to be treated like garbage. You AND Ken James will hear from us soon.

  14. I fully support open carry & you all should too. The open carry morons are the best thing that have happened to the sensible gun law movement in 10 years. I say, let them KEEP IT UP.

    Every time they show up at their paranoid events, rational people everywhere shake their heads in disbelief and realize that everyone everywhere really does need stronger legislation to prevent this moronic behavior.

    I do have one request of the open carry folks. Stop picking rich, white neighborhoods like San Fran, Orange County or the South bay. I suggest you all do it in Oakland, Compton &/or Santa Ana. Better yet, do it at night.

  15. Good points! How about open carry while black? How long you think you'd last?
    Black folks get shot by cops for reaching for a pack of cigarettes for christ's sake (I thought it was a gun). Can you imagine if there were an actual gun?
    This whole "movement" is just bourgeois white middle class wanna be bad boys showing everybody how bad they are. They're just prolonging their adolescence and throwing tantrums.
    Cops ought to start shooting them.

  16. It's blogs like this that are ruining our country. Why can't you just be grateful for your birthright that men and women fought and died for? They died for you and this is how you thank them? Remember, these rights only go one way and that is they get taken away! They never are given back without blood being spilled.

  17. These gun fanatics all sound the same: it's all yell and scream and threaten. I just re-read a Tattler article from the last time we had to deal with their childishness on FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 2010 entitled "Special Interest Gun Zealots Barrage Emeryville City Hall". If you check out the comments, you'll see how it's the same thing with how they're whining now. Interesting that they kept saying how Emeryville would be sued if we enacted the gun shop ordinance. Well we did enact the ordinance and notice how the gun fanatics just withered up? They're all bark.

  18. These 'open carry' people are just like 3rd grade little brats.

  19. All these right wing gun loons have violence fetish fantasies. It's like they're just waiting for their time to unleash their weaponry.
    In Canada, there's plenty of gun ownership yet they don't seem to be shooting everyone up there. Shootings are exceedingly rare. No, there's something decidedly American about rampant gun violence. These guys just love it.

  20. You better look at the gun violence in Canada, idiot, since they outlawed almost all forms of guns and now are going after shotguns and rifles. Multiple millions spent to disarm and increases in violent crime escalating. Many Canadians have been put into jeopardy due to their foolishness. Only slaves don't have the right of self-protection. Good luck Canada you'll need it.

  21. Most of the mass shooters were Democrats or raised in Democratic families. The "right wing gun nuts" are the least of your worries. Your Godless moral free socialist upbringing is to blame.

    1. God loves guns and hates socialists.

    2. Amen. The left wing is the problem!

    3. All wings are the problem. The globalists own both parties. And sorry to say it you so-called Americans, you Donahues & automatons, but our guns are the only thing between this deteriorated state of liberty we're in & a dystopic future of full-blown indentured servitude.

    4. Until I read a rational pro-gun screed in these comments, I'm clamping down on all this. While It can be fun for awhile to engage with the childish irrationality flourishing here, I've reached my limit. I need to hear an original thought or just some old fashioned rationality...the talking points from the NRA are not going to be posted here anymore. So, gunnies, it's up to you.

  22. Donahue clamps down on threads that don't go his way, typical liberal progresive commie
