Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Police Chief Ken James Recognized For Good Works

Long An Advocate For Sensible Gun Regulation:
Emeryville Police Chief Ken James Receives Brady Campaign Honors
At their third annual meeting on November 7, the California Chapters of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence presented Emeryville's Ken James with an Excellence in Leadership award.  Chief James was recognized for exemplary leadership and service throughout his career as Chief of Police and Chair of the Firearms Committee for the California Police Chiefs Association where he has championed and advocated for local ordinances and state legislation to reduce gun violence in California.

Mr James was instrumental in legislating in 'microstamping' technology for handguns, making crime scene bullet casings easier to trace to help track down violent criminals.  He has also publicly rebuked and advocated against the so called "open carry" phenomenon citing the drain on public resources such brandishing brings as well as the serious public safety ramifications.  Chief James was also instrumental in helping to implement common sense guidelines for Bay Area local governments to comprehensibly regulate gun dealers in their communities.

Emeryville directly benefited from Mr James' advocacy in service of his gun dealer work last March.   Many Emeryville residents will remember the National Rifle Association (NRA) bullying tactics used at our City Hall as gun "aficionados" from all around California descended upon the council chambers and attempted to thwart the imposition of the slightest regulation for a planned gun shop on San Pablo Avenue, next to the high school.  The regulations stood up against the NRA onslaught and its threats of lawsuits and the gunners backed down.  Readers may wish to read several Tattler articles surrounding the March 16 vocal show down at City Hall.

Mr James has indicated he plans on retiring from the force in the near future having served Emeryville in uniform for decades.  Chief James has received accolades from Emeryville leaders and residents alike for his commitment to building a highly professional police force with competence and comity.


  1. Ken James defeats the NRA over the gun shop on San Pablo, proving they're just a bunch of loud whiners. Three-year-olds, really. Good job Ken!

  2. Great! You cover all aspects of e-ville. I would never have known or thought this of KJ.

  3. Brian you are a Clown. This guy may be respected in your circle jerk, however not by the majority who know Brady Campaign increases crime.

  4. The Gunnies backed down? Which meeting did you attend?

    I was at the one where the City Council and City Attorney agreed with the Gunnies and struck the ammunition provisions from the proposed ordinances.

  5. From the Tattler:
    TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 2010

    A duel over proposed gun regulations Tuesday ended in victory for proponents of regulation.
    Rules keeping children out of a proposed firearms store, and requiring the owner to bar felons and those with mental health issues from employment were tentatively approved Tuesday after a tense and well attended meeting. A final vote is scheduled to occur next month.
    The ordinance was approved after language regulating the sale of ammunition was stripped from the proposal. Officials were told that such language could expose the city to a lawsuit.

    If you choose to call that a victory for "gunnies" you're free to do so.

  6. You mean Emeryville simply codified existing law!

    Maybe Ken James can tout that he's made murder illegal in Emeryville, too! Whee!

  7. Still waiting for an 'All Ammo" store to open in Emeryville. No guns, just ammunition.

  8. Maybe Lard-Lad James should build a castle 'cause y'all living in fantasy land!

  9. This mans supports disarming victims and protecting criminals. He has broken his oath to defend the constitution and should be considered a traitor!

    1. More incoherence from the right wing gun kooks. Everbody that disagrees with them is a traitor.

  10. I always believed in some measures of gun control until now I saw the Chief's comments and understood how it is true that the anti gun people are stupid.

    1. The fact that you once believed in some measures of gun control shows how stupid you really are.

  11. We're smart, they're stupid.
    We're patriotic, they're traitors.
    We're good, they're bad.
    We're peachy, they're lamentable.
