Monday, May 28, 2012

Center Of Community Life Loses Millions In Funding

Re-printed from the Secret News:

Emeryville Center of Community Life (ECCL) On Chopping Block

May 28, 2012
By Tracy Schroth

State Has No Obligation to Fund ECCL; Attorney for Emeryville’s Oversight Board Says Agreement is Void

Two Days Too Late
An agreement by the state to pay $25 million in redevelopment money toward the Emeryville Center of Community Life (ECCL) does not constitute an enforceable contract and the city should withdraw its request for funding, said the attorney for Emeryville’s Oversight Board. The county-level Board was established to monitor the city’s transition now that the Governor has eliminated state redevelopment funds.
Oversight Board attorney Paula Crow has submitted an analysis of ECCL and other pending city projects under a new state law (AB 26) which defines what is and is not an enforceable obligation. Crow’s analysis, submitted to Oversight Board members Friday, said the agreement between the state and the city regarding ECCL was made two days too late.
Click HERE for the rest of the story.....


  1. Sic Semper Tyrannus

  2. This is great news. ECCL is an ill conceived waste of Public dollars, and the School Bonds should be pulled, too. We already have a High School that is bought and paid for. Future enrollment is not going to grow. Public money does not grow in trees, and all available funds should be invested where it will do the most good; now!

  3. I’m actually sad this is happening to Emeryville even though I do not support the ECCL project. From the beginning to the end, the size and the scope of the project has shrunk, but our tax liability has not. There is no one in charge. No one will accept responsibility for this complete failure. No one can or will step up to see this plan through. Forget relying on our city Attorney to handle this as there is no doubt that more money will be wasted. The right thing to do is to bring this issue to a public vote and reformulate the destination of our hard earned money.
