Thursday, May 24, 2012

Triangle Turkey!

Turkey Terrorizes Emeryville

Sighted today, Emeryville's newest resident. In the Triangle neighborhood, on 45th Street at San Pablo Avenue, out for an evening stroll.

Note: An astute reader inquired about an obvious correction to this story.  It is posted in the 'comments' below.


  1. Brian,
    I demand an immediate retraction of this story as it is factually incorrect. It is the Turkeys in City Hall that have been terrorizing Emeryville - this poor turkey has nothing to do with it. In fact, judging by his gait and the look of fear on his face it appears he is leaving a typical Emeryville City Council meeting.
    I await your correction.

  2. Point well taken Roger! Why report on small, inconsequential turkeys when there are much larger ones lurking around City Hall? Consider the article corrected!

  3. That turkey is too skinny to be one of the ones from City Hall. The top turkeys in City Hall are fat -- fat salaries and pensions, and they are getting pretty aggressive about protecting their next meal. Here is an idea -- why not cut their salaries, and for a few of them, let them serve out their terms till redevelopment is dissolved? How about setting a couple of those turkeys free from their duties by Thanksgiving?


    1. People have been asking if I'm the "Joe" who wrote the above comment, as well as a rather lengthy letter that was published in the Secret News. I'm not. When I write a response, I give my full name, which is Joe Cohen. I would appreciate it if this other Joe would have the courtesy to do the same, so as to clear up the confusion.
      Joe Cohen

    2. I wonder if there is only one "Joe" in Emeryville?


    3. To the responder of May 30, 7:36: Why are you afraid to sign your last name?

    4. I think there is only one "Joe" in Emeryville. And I'm not talking coffee at Panera Bread!


    5. Jeeze you guys! I love the turkey and believe it to be a female who has wandered in from the hills. She is too young to be from City Hall.

  4. Did someone say my name?
    Follow me at
