Monday, September 2, 2013

Emeryville / Bay Bridge Trail Connection Opens

Cal-Trans has opened the first segment of the Bay Trail bike/pedestrian connection over the new Bay Bridge to Treasure Island.  Tomorrow at noon, the final section right up to the bridge itself will be opened. The trail takes off from the western end of the 40th Street Shellmound Bridge across from Ikea.  Walkers and bikers will be able to use the new bridge after a portion of the old bridge blocking the connection is removed, possibly as long as two years from now. Below are photos of the initial section now open.
For more info go to the East Bay Bike Coalition HERE.
The trail has a decomposed granite walking path on the right side and LED lighting. 

Informational signage and benches line the way.  

One leg of the path loops under the 40th / Shellmound Bridge for the benefit
of westbound 40th Street bikers/walkers.  Caltrans originally fought this connection 

in favor of a dangerous at-grade level crossing, covered by the Tattler HERE.

This is what a Democratic super majority in Sacramento looks like.
With a de-fanged Republican Party, we get stuff like this.


  1. At the Emeryville pathway entrance, has the City made accommodations for parking? Why is this trailhead beginning and ending at a mall? Shouldn't the trail be on the bayfront edge? It looks like if you park at the Emeryville marina, you will have to ride/walk up Powell Street through the mall to get to the trailhead. Hopefully I'm wrong.

  2. Thank you, government, for providing us with a 2.2 mile bike path for only $200 million dollars. What a bargain!

    1. It's better than no bike/ped path for no money....
