Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In a Galaxy Not So Far Away...

Councilmember Davis. For years you have served Emeryville taxpayers in the War on Extravagant Government Spending. Now Emeryville residents beg you to help them in their struggle against the Empire. 
I regret that I am unable to convey their request to you in person, but no elected officials return my calls and I'm afraid my mission to talk sense to the School District has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the City into the memory systems of this blog.
The citizens of Emeryville know how to read it. But you too must read and embrace the message in this blog: This School District cannot be trusted with 20 million dollars of City money. This is our most desperate hour. Help us, Nora Davis. You're our only hope... Help us, Nora Davis. You're our only hope... 

Please email your Council members and attend the September 3, 2013 City Council Meeting tonight and ask the City Council not to give our $20 million dollars to this School District for the ECCL project. The "Joint Occupancy Agreement" between the City and School District will be discussed both tonight and at the September 17th City Council meeting.


  1. They don't answer your calls because you're a critic.

  2. Ya know, the time for political wrangling has passed, you had nearly 11 years to complain, and suggest changes. Now, your students are housed in temporary facilities. People should be working to get the job done so that those students can have a school again.
    But, I'm sure, once again, the adults will be more concerned with their political standing than doing what's best for the students.

    1. I'm all in favor of getting the new high school built. RE political wrangling: It's the public commons, it's always going to be wrangled over. When people feel a sense of ownership in the commons, they wrangle over it. It's a good thing.

  3. Ya know. For 11 years people have been asking the tough questions, and for 11 years they were rebuffed, ignored, told "this isn't the forum or appropriate time" while never be provided with a convenient forum or appropriate time. Adults ask tough questions when the children are involved. Blame the district for jumping the gun and leaving the children in the lurch. Not the residents! The District are the ones who are rudderless and lacking leadership. They are the ones who have not provided the community center that was promised in measure J let alone a functioning middle and secondary school. They are the ones pulling their children out of the school now. It's time to stop blaming residents and start listening to them. They are not all complete idiots. Just maybe they actually care?
