Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Traffic Diverter Installed on Horton Street Bike Boulevard!

Emeryville residents woke Monday morning to find 'the little city that can't' had been transformed into 'the little city that can'.  After waiting some 10 years for traffic calming on the city's premier bike boulevard, Horton Street,  a traffic diverter was installed early Monday morning, closing the street to vehicle traffic between 45th and 53rd streets.  Bicycles and pedestrians can still move freely down the street but vehicles are forced onto 45th Street for northbound travelers and 53rd Street for southbound travelers.  The action now completes the long promised Horton Street Bike Boulevard since bikes are able to safely use the street without worry, the 12,000 vehicles per day as counted by the City having been tamed by the new diverter.

Horton Street Traffic Diverted... No Deaths
Somehow, this was accomplished without conducting
a $10,000 study.  If it was done once, maybe it can
be done again... for bikes. 
To clarify, it was not City Hall that installed the diverters, rather it was the East Bay Municipal Water District that diverted Horton Street traffic.  And unfortunately, the closure of the street is only to last one day while some repair work is done.
But the street closure proves the point about redirecting traffic without benefit of a study as City Hall staff insists is prudent and necessary.  City Hall is maintaining $10,000 must be spent to figure out how to apply temporary bollards the City's Bike Plan calls for to calm traffic for bikes to safely use Horton Street (since there's so many vehicles using the street).
EBMUD didn't conduct a study for Monday's action; they simply obtained an over the counter permit from City Hall and then put up bollards and a couple of street closed signs, all in the same day.  It was notable because the diverter was installed without a major study and no deaths or injuries resulted.  No fights, hurt feelings or bruised egos.  No one got shot and World War 3 didn't happen.

We're pretty surprised City Hall issues permits for construction companies or other governmental agencies to put up bollards and redirect traffic on our streets with so little fanfare and such ease after insisting they can't do it to benefit bicyclists without spending $10,000 to conduct a fancy long-winded study.  EBMUD did it in one day while bicyclists have been waiting for ten years for the same thing.
It seems like it's almost as if the City doesn't care about bikes.


  1. Yes because a temporary closure is the exact same thing as a permanent one.

    1. Except the Bike Plan also calls for it to be temporary (while the results are studied).

    2. You would think a temporary closure is the same thing as a temporary closure. But a temporary closure for repairs isn't the same thing as a temporary closure for bikes. Because the one for bikes is for bikes....that's the difference.
