Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Council Moves Charter City Concept Towards Voter Approval

Tonight the City Council voted unanimously to hire a polling company to collect data about resident's views on the idea of Emeryville becoming a Charter City.  The polling data will be used by the Council to craft language that can appear on the ballot in November for Emeryville voters to consider.

From the City's E-Newsletter:

There are several steps before the City Council can place a proposed city charter on the November ballot, including public noticing of the proposed city charter and two public hearings – tentatively scheduled for June and July -  with a final decision on whether to place a city charter on the ballot occurring in late July/early August. A majority of voters must vote YES in order for Emeryville to become a charter city.
Charter cities, unlike cities that are incorporated under the State’s general law provisions (as Emeryville is now) have “home rule” on issues relating to municipal affairs.  So charter cities can maximize local control and pass legislation (by City Council or by citizen initiative) on municipal issues such as self-governance, contracting, adoption of certain taxes (subject to voter approval), and municipal elections for which general law cities must follow State law.  About half of the cities in Alameda County are charter cities, including Albany, Berkeley, and Oakland. For more information about city charters and/or to watch the City Council meeting discussion on becoming a charter city, click here. To download a copy of the draft city charters that the City Council will be discussing at the April 22 City Council meeting, click here.


  1. Boo! Down with the Charter City proposition. Emeryville is good, just the way it is.
    If it should pass, get ready to pay into perpituity, and that hard earned money will go right gown the drain. Inform yourself. Don't make a stupid decision that you will regret later. Government Administration is a poor custodian of your money.

    1. Emeryville is good just the way it is. We don't want any more parks. It's good just as it is now. And when it starts to fall apart? When sidewalks buckle and potholes form in the streets, we can simply privatize these formerly public spaces. Toll roads and toll sidewalks in Emeryville! Corporate good, government bad. City Hall needs to protect the interests of all businesses including those leaving Emeryville: no transfer fees!

    2. These fees can be paid by either buyer or sellers. 100% it adds more cost to the buyer in some way. Tax is tax and I definitely do not want to pay more in the name of parks. The money is already there and they can direct that money they have right now for parks, but they will not. Why would they even if we give them more?

    3. Where do you get your information?

    4. With the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency, half our budget has been eliminated. That means half the services. $1 = $1. Emeryville is not allowed to print money. This is immutable. You tell us how we can make up for the loss of half our budget without raising revenue.
