Monday, April 21, 2014

Emeryville Resident Sam Kang For California Assembly District 15

The Tattler is pleased to announce our support of Emeryville resident Sam Kang, Democrat for California Assembly District 15.
As the field winnows down to three viable candidates competing for the nomination in the June 3rd primary, Sam's candidacy has really picked up steam in recent weeks in both donations and energetic volunteer support.  We hope this groundswell continues and takes him all the way to Sacramento.

Our Emeryville neighbors Sam Kang and his wife Akiko.
A lead attorney at the Greenlining Institute, a public policy advocacy organization to empower disadvantaged groups, strengthen democratic institutions and  address economic and other equity issues, Sam shines as a Bay Area community activist of the highest order.  He would be the natural first pick among his competitors for District 15 for Democrats and progressives if he hailed from any other city in the District.  However Sam's Emeryville roots makes him even more appealing to Emeryville residents.  It's always a good thing when we send a progressive to Sacramento to fight for our District 15 interests but we'd like to also see Emeryville specific issues given weight in Sacramento.  Sam Kang gives us that chance.

 We've watched Sam over the years and we know him to be a progressive, willing to support the underdog, unafraid of engaging the most powerful adversaries.  In 2011, he led a successful national campaign to block the biggest telecom merger in US history and he's worked on behalf of the disadvantaged in landmark predatory lending law.  That's why Sam has been endorsed by Emeryville Mayor Jac Asher and Residents United for a Livable Emeryville (RULE).
We're sad to see District 15 Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner termed out of office but we're excited at the prospect of Sam Kang stepping in as a replacement, looking out after our interests, Emeryville's interests.

Come join your neighbors as we walk the Emeryville precinct for Sam Kang:

When: Sunday, April 27th from Noon-3PM
 Where: Starts at Peet's Coffee at the Public Market (5959 Shellmound Street #85)   We will bring the refreshments, just remember to wear comfortable shoes!

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