Thursday, November 6, 2014

Breaking News: Miguel Dwin and Donn Lee Merriam Now TIED

School Board Race Dead Tied
The race for Emery Unified School Board was too close to call on Tuesday night, with incumbent Miguel Dwin appearing to have a narrow 6-vote lead over newcomer Donn Lee Merriam. (RULE and the Tattler endorsed Merriam.)

Alameda County's Registrar of Voters updated the vote totals late this afternoon to account for the absentee ballots not counted by Tuesday evening. The updated results put Dwin and Merriam in a tie.

The Registrar of Voters will continue to update the results each day with any uncounted, but valid absentee ballots, until it certifies the election results as final. If the candidates remain tied upon certification, the School Board's Bylaws call for the race to be resolved "by lot."


  1. What does "resolved by lot" mean and how is that carried out?
