Friday, November 7, 2014

City Council Candidate Concedes; Updated Election Results Released

John Bauters conceded the Emeryville City Council election to Dianne Martinez and Scott Donahue late Thursday night the Tattler has learned.  In a congratulatory e-mail to the two winners, Mr Bauters  said he intends on becoming a "more visible contributor to the city" in the future.  He reminded them his life's work is committed to affordable housing and he said he hopes to see both new Council members "fulfill your campaign promises to prioritize affordable [housing] development".

New updated results from the Alameda County Registrar of Voters showed Mr Donahue, second place winner in the two seat contest,  pulling farther ahead of Mr Bauters as late absentee ballots continue to be counted.
Updated results show Martinez at 802, Donahue at 745, Bauters at 625 and Bukowski at 254.

Former City Councilman Ken Bukowski, the forth place contender, offered his concession on Tuesday night.

1 comment:

  1. Good news for liberty, justice and the American Way.
