Sunday, November 2, 2014

Emeryville Races "Key" According to Alameda County Democratic Party

Emeryville City Council Race,
Measures U&V Called
 "Key" by Democrats

Scott Donahue & Dianne Martinez Endorsed
YES on Measures U&V Urged
A recent mailer from the Alameda County Democrats identified "Key Races" with an image of a key.
For Emeryville, both the City Council race and Measures U and V were identified as "Key Races." The Alameda County Democrats have endorsed Dianne Martinez and Scott Donahue for City Council and urged voters to vote Yes on Measures U and V.  In a town with an electorate overwhelmingly registered with the Democratic Party, this is likely consequential.  

The Alameda County Democrats also provided endorsements for the Emeryville School Board race and for Measure K.

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