Friday, January 16, 2015

Emeryville Wins Court Appeal on Three Redevelopment Projects

Bike/Ped Bridge & Art Center Back on Track 

Stanley Mosk Library and Courts Bldg
by Coolcaesar. (Wikimedia Commons)
The California Court of Appeal in Sacramento today affirmed a lower court's ruling in favor of Emeryville regarding three challenged redevelopment projects. The State Department of Finance had sought to block the projects and return the related money to state coffers. The on again off again projects were intended to fund the 53rd Street bridge over the railroad tracks to Bay Street known as the South Bayfront Bike/Ped Bridge, the Art Center, and the so-called "Transit" Center next to the Amtrak Station.

The Court of Appeal's decision interprets the relevant state statutes in Emeryville's favor, finding that Emeryville, as Successor to the Redevelopment Agency, was entitled to re-enter the agreements necessary to continue pursuing these redevelopment projects. These agreements were also agreed to by the Oversight Committee and the court concluded they were within their rights to do so.

While the former Redevelopment Agency's contributions to the Bike/Ped Bridge and Art Center might not be enough to fund these projects completely, this win certainly puts those projects on a sounder financial footing. The so-called "Transit" Center with its overwhelming commercial purpose and backers was likely to be built regardless of this outcome, but now we can rest easy that a developer will likely get one last giveaway from Emeryville's former Redevelopment Agency.

It is not yet clear whether the State will seek to appeal this decision to the California Supreme Court.

The roller coaster ride of these project's approvals can be viewed:
South Bayfront Bike /Ped Bridge HERE and HERE
Art Center HERE and HERE
"Transit" Center HERE and HERE

1 comment:

  1. How about forget the no bid contracts to the architectural and building developer this time. Lets get this bridge at 53rd Street built now at the right price and quit wasting our money.
