Saturday, June 10, 2017

Tattler Editor Named As Felony Arson Suspect

Tattler Editor Prime Suspect
in San Pablo Avenue Fire
Says E'Ville Eye Editor

The ATF and the Emeryville Police
Department call this person the prime
suspect.  Don't be fooled says
Rob Arias, this photo is fake news
distributed by a duped ATF/EPD.
The Emeryville Tattler editor Brian Donahue has been named as a prime suspect in a felony arson fire in a San Pablo Avenue apartment project at a June 8th joint EPD/ATF press conference held at the Emeryville police station.  The announcement came from the sidelines; Rob Arias, editor of the E'Ville Eye, a pro-business and developer friendly blog in town.  Mr Arias' announcement was not picked up by the gaggle of media outlets or Emeryville Police Chief Jennifer Tejada or the Federal agents from the bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms who told the assembled throng they chose instead to highlight a different suspect; a mysterious bicyclist caught by one of the 12 security cameras at the site.

The May 13th conflagration has been reported on widely by the Bay Area press corps likely because it was the second such fire in 10 months at the 'Maz' development site under construction.

Mr Arias implored attendees at the press conference to not be hoodwinked by the presentation of the photograph showing a bicyclist revealed by ATF agents but instead to direct their attention to the Tattler editor whom he revealed had done negative stories on the development project.   "Brian Donahue is the Mayor's own brother...he called the [Maz] development a 'men's dorm'" Mr Arias proclaimed, attempting to stoke the imaginations of any conspiratorially minded law officers or reporters at the conference.
E'Ville Eye Editor Rob Arias
Don't listen to the
Emeryville Police or the ATF;
Brian Donahue is the REAL suspect.

The Tattler has long called for residential development projects better than the Maz project.  Specifically, Emeryville needs more affordable units, more family friendly housing and more ownership condos, none of which Maz delivers on.

 Mr Arias's call for the arrest of the editor of the Tattler on June 8th was not his first; he has put his blog to work chronicling the crimes of Mr Donahue since he began the E'Ville Eye several years ago.  Careful readers of that blog will note however that despite the allegations of crimes committed, Mr Donahue, the editor of the other blog in Emeryville, hasn't been jailed or even arrested for his many crimes highlighted by Rob Arias in his blog.  Those facts however have not constrained Mr Arias and his heavily monetized E'Ville Eye who continue to warn anyone who will listen in Emeryville about how dangerous the Tattler is and why it needs to be shut down.

Mr Arias refused to comment for this story.


  1. sure looks like brian alright except for about 150 lbs.

  2. What do you mean by "announcement from the sidelines", and did Rob actually say he thought you should be arrested, or is that inferred? Did Rob appear to want to be taken seriously, or was he just messing with you as as chapter next in your ongoing sparring? In this era of fake news and constant lies, it is more important than ever that such allegations not be made lightly, nor that if made as some obvious bad joke, not be reported as seriously made. Joan Strasser

    1. "Announced from the sidelines" means Rob was not part of the presenting team at the news conference. The presenters were the EPD, the ATF and the Mayor. Rob was in the audience of reporters and from there he announced that I am a suspect (because I had reported negative stories on the project). Rob was not impressed with the photograph shown by presentation team, insisting instead the team look to me as a suspect. I DO assume Rob believes the guilty party be arrested owing to the seriousness of the crime. I do assume he doesn't think the perpetrator should walk free. I cannot assume to know what's in Rob's mind, whether he wants to be 'taken seriously', rather I'm just reporting what he said to the EPD and the ATF and the Mayor (in front of a large audience of Bay Area press corps). If Rob was joking, it wasn't obvious. From his previous calls for me to be arrested, I can see a pattern. The Tattler gores his oxen and he's not a big fan of criticism (those he censors on his blog comments).

  3. Brian, I was joking plain and simple. Get off your damn horse and take it like a man.

    I will meet you anywhere anytime to kick your butt.

    1. And here we find the limitations when the practitioners of neoliberal market totalitarianism fein deference to populist democratic proclivities; 'Poe’s Law' becomes the modulus. That being the condition when it becomes difficult or impossible to distinguish extremism from satire of extremism. "I was only joking" will surely rise when these practitioners bluff is called, that being the only response available at that point.

  4. oh brother. here we go again. let's just set a date and meet under the waving hand at the marina. it's very close to the police station. $10 admission (seniors over 65 exempt) and all proceeds to go the the k-8 grades' music department. a fine lunch and beverages will be provided courtesy of the eccl community engagement fund.

    brian happens to be a fine horseman as a matter of fact, and I doubt your reach would reach his "butt." I might be a better match for you. just joking.

    isn't this the first time you have signed your name to comments instead of anonymous?

  5. Perhaps Rob should try some 3AM tweets.

  6. Rob, you might want to let all the people who attended the press conference know you were just joking because otherwise they might think you're just completely CRAZY.

  7. Local hometown blogs should be celebrated by the local residents, providing updates and unique local content not provided by other media. It is troubling when one blogger finds it necessary to threaten another blogger, even in a joking manner. Emeryville is big enough for more than one hometown blog, and is richer for it.

  8. "Rob was in the audience of reporters..." Do reporters throw out JOKES at news conferences? Bad taste.

  9. Keep up the great work Brian and I'm happy to see your site only allows commenting from real individuals and nobody can post comments under other people's names. Clearly these are Rob's words verbatim. Your strict commitment to ethics is unheard of in this world of fake news. Your journalistic integrity is helping Make America Great Again!

    1. Journalistic integrity....yes. I don't presume to censor what my readers want to say about the stories. It wouldn't be ethical if I were to delete comments like yours. Readers can say anything except personal attacks. The exception is that I will permit people to make personal attacks against me. So go ahead and let 'er rip.

    2. A warm welcome to the President of the United States to the Tattler. America is a great place once again owing to the actions of a very few individuals, including Donald J. Trump. Let's hope the President can take time from his busy schedule to offer his observations on local Emeryville issues on a regular basis.

  10. Brian, can I further elaborate on my assessment of you being a “fine horseman”? Not sure if this is the appropriate space. ;)

    1. I did not write this comment (june 12 1:12 p.m.) and I don't ever use googly happy faces either.

  11. There are four kinds of lies: Lies, damned lies, statistics ... and the Tattler!

    1. I keep committing crimes and lying....that's what the right wing has to say about me. But again, it's strange that I never seem to get arrested for the crimes and with regards to the constant lying I get accused of....I offer everyone the same deal I offer you now: show a falsehood and you'll get a retraction. The easiest thing in the word to do is to accuse someone of lying without offering proof.

  12. From one performance artist to another, keep up the fantastic work Brian.

    1. I didn't know accurately reporting a news story is now considered performance art. Now I know. Thanks.

  13. Fake News, Fake Comments and now threats of violence … quite an audience you’ve curated Mr. Donahue. Clearly nobody that reads the Tattler is capable of this despicable act.

    1. Anyone can comment about anything. It's up to the readers to accurately sign their own names. I don't have the ability or the desire to censor based on authorship of comments.
      Now to the charge of 'fake news', as I tell everyone, show where the Tattler has been inaccurate and you'll get a retraction.
