Christian Patz:
On Livability
The Tattler presents the 2016 election candidates questionnaire. Candidates for elected office will answer questions broken down into topical sections that effect Emeryville residents. Responses will be released section by section rotating through all the responding candidates representing the City Council and School Board hopefuls.
The order of presentation was chosen randomly. Regular Tattler stories will be interspersed in the 2016 election questionnaire. Readers wishing to peruse all the answers by an individual may use the search bar function by entering ”Election 2016 Candidates Questionnaire” with the name of the candidate and all of that candidate’s sections will be presented. Alternatively just typing in the name of the candidate will also work.

Today, candidate for City Council Christian Patz answers questions on livability (please check the previously posted section 1 answers for this candidate's bio):
Section 4 Livability
Tattler: Other cities have implemented bans on ‘formula’ retail; that being national chains, franchises, fast food etc. Emeryville already has a plethora of these kinds of businesses. Do you see constituting a ban as something Emeryville should do moving forward?
Christian Patz: Emeryville needs a balance between large and small retail and local and chain stores. As the onetime home of local Peet’s Coffee, Starbucks is preferred by many residents (I still make my coffee at home). For some small businesses, a franchise business is their local business. This is not something that can be done with a blanket ordinance but needs to be done on an individual basis.
Tattler: New construction is commonly too expensive for local retail to afford because of the high rents developers must charge to recoup their construction costs. This is often cited as the reason Emeryville can’t seem to deliver the kind of locally serving retail Emeryville residents want. The Tattler has proposed new development write off retail rents associated with their residential projects by forcing developers to put in writing their assurances to bring locally serving/non-formula retail. Would you force this assurance guarantee from developers for new residential development?
Christian Patz: The city should look into this idea. What have other cities done around this issue? It would be great to see what models have worked and build from there.
Tattler: Emeryville has gotten worse over time in several key areas, specifically with regards to the things residents tell us they want to see in their town. We have been told by a generation of City Council members by their voting records that we must accept that Emeryville must get worse over time. The Tattler has made a declaration that we should not permit new development to make our town worse insofar as can be measured. So for instance in affordability, park acreage per resident, locally serving retail, ratio of home ownership to rentals; these hallmarks of livability (and more) are measurable and the effect new development has on our existing metrics can be measured. We could have a blanket insistence that all new development not make the town get measurably worse in key areas or even an insistence that new development make our town get measurably better. Would you support this?
Christian Patz: This question is too broad, subjective, and leading to answer in a meaningful way. I support not making Emeryville worse. I support affordability, parks, and home ownership, as does everyone running for council.
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