Emeryville Booster/Blog Editor Reportedly Moved Out of Town in 2019
Possible Violations Against City's Affordable Housing Program
Editor Rob Arias Tells His Readers He Still Lives in Emeryville
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The self styled 'voice of the community' hasn't been seen in the community for quite some time. |
Emeryville blogger, local booster and political pundit Robert Arias, apparently moved to Pleasant Hill nearly two years ago. A move would tend to undermine Mr Arias' public positioning as the voice of the Emeryville community, if he's sleeping each night in another county. The move would also have real consequences. Mr Arias may have violated stipulations in an Emeryville affordable housing program by apparently retaining possession of one of City Hall's few subsidized units, if the Park Avenue unit in question is no longer his primary residence.
Having built a fairly successful, heavily monetized web presence in Emeryville, offering generally positive coverage- the digital equivalent of an old time small town newspaper’s proud, if boosterish coverage, Mr Arias hasn't volunteered anything publicly on his E'Ville Eye about any move 30 miles to the east.
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The E'Ville Eye editor purchased this Pleasant Hill home in May 2019. |
BMR unit owners, even though they receive assistance in the initial purchase, are allowed to realize property value gains over the tenure of their occupancy. By law, Mr Arias would be allowed to keep 20% of the sale price above his initial investment. Being across the street from the long-planned ten-acre, 500-unit, Sherwin-Williams development and new public park now under construction, Mr Arias’ unit has likely increased in value in recent months, a windfall he will be able to realize the longer he holds the unit.
This story will continue to evolve as new facts are revealed and we will report as our investigation continues.
Mr Arias declined to comment for this story.
Rob is your competitor and rival. I smell sour grapes. He does a lot for our Community, and this is his chance to accumulate a piece of the rock. Even if you are right,leave him alone. He struggles in this economy, just like the rest of us. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteRob is a blowhard. But that’s not why we’re focusing on him for purposes of this story. Blowhards are everywhere but Rob is a blowhard member of the elite in the community. He says he is himself: he’s a voice of the community. I accept his claim and that’s why he will be reported on when he engages in wholesale hypocrisy like this. Rob IS the voice of the community, a certain part of the community….the business community and their sycophants. When the elite breaks the law or engages in hypocrisy or is dysfunctional, be they from the private sector or the public sector in Emeryville, the Tattler will report on it. I fully expect government officials and business leaders and their voice pieces to not be happy when I report on their transgressions. So being on Rob’s ‘team’, the pro-business team, I understand you’re not happy with me reporting on him being a hypocrite. It’s to be expected.
DeleteHe is not a rival. His blog exists for a whole different reason. He does it to make money and forward business interests. In addition to selling subscriptions and ads, he is underwritten by corporations in Emeryville. They actually write him checks for the pro-business slant he provides. I have no problem with any of Rob’s funding streams, even the corporate underwriting as he goes on to make a living off his blog. It’s just a wholly different model than what the Tattler does. Here there’s no monetizing at all. I never need to drive people to the Tattler like he does. I don’t get money when people read Tattler stories. Rob keeps his readers in the dark if the story invades his narrative. He won’t do stories critical of his business clients….and there’s a lot of them. Rob has taken over after the collapse of the Chamber of Commerce. I have no problem with the business community forwarding feel good stories about themselves using Rob as their proxy. But let’s not make it anything more noble than it is.
If he can afford a second home, it's time to get the BMR unit in new hands. We've got plenty of people willing to play by the rules that are desperate for affordable housing.
ReplyDeleteWTF? He obviously doesn't like Emeryville but he wants to keep that money coming in. Disgusting! Please please please keep reporting on this.
ReplyDeleteHis news site is boring af. I noticed its turned into air recently and then I checked and sure enough it changed right about the time he bought his place in the suburbs. I used to go to the Tattler and the EE but now theres nothing there.
ReplyDeleteWow! Now it all makes sense. I used to see Rob walking his dog in my neighborhood all the time and I have noticed I never see him anymore. Now that I read this I realize just how long it’s been.
ReplyDeleteRob has the only news site in Emeryville. It doesn’t matter if he lives here or not at least he tells the news. All you do is liberal loon opinion. I’ve read the EVille Eye for years and I’m not going to stop now. I know that’s why you did this hit piece on Rob, to get us to stop going to EE. It’s not going to work. Stop attacking Rob, it’s really obvious that you’re just jealous.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Rob's blog is the only news site in Emeryville, there's some truth to that. He is the only conservative pro-business news site in town. The Tattler does not compete with Rob's news blog. He's got 'if it bleeds it leads' and we've got Emeryville City Hall has reversed its COVID policy. He's got a real estate report, we've got Lennar Development working with the Department of Toxic Substance Control to cheat a toxic site cleanup. He's got restaurant reviews, we've got the bus bays taxpayers paid for at the 'Transit Center'and the public library we paid for never got built. He's got business community news and we've got resident community news. It's two entirely different universes.
DeleteIt sounds like the Tattler is not for you...please keep reading Rob's blog.
Oh this story is good. As the other guy said, please make sure to tell us how this plays out. Hyperlocal my ass. Rob needs to start a new blog in Pleasant Hill.
ReplyDeleteWomp-Womp. Brian, this is hilarious. Keep up the good work. For the most part, I thought the rivalry between the two of you was fairly childish. There's more than enough going on in town for two blogs. Always thought you were more honest in acknowledging your perspective---and it's easy for readers to discern. Rob however, went to great lengths to claim objectivity, but when he wasn't gushing about ribbon cuttings he was mostly peddling developers verbal assurances that such and such wasn't needed in writing or how some crumb for the community didn't 'pencil out' but was bad anyway.
ReplyDeletesince i do not believe everything i read, on january 23 i emailed rob at the eville eye. I asked him if it was true that he moved to pleasant hill and was renting his condo. he did not reply.
ReplyDeleteshirley enomoto
Violating the terms of the below market rate housing program in Emeryville defrauds our city of needed housing and tax dollars that would be paid if he was not part of the program. This is a big deal and very important to report on. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteRob Arias is one of the most unhappy people I have ever met. He is obsessive about things that don't matter to most people, he is vendetta-driven, and completely dishonest as a person. He only kept his address here because it allows him to continue to make money off of Emeryville businesses that wanted a local vehicle for advertising. It really is that simple.
ReplyDeleteBrian Donahue loves drama.
ReplyDeleteIt's true, it's always inspirational to see the drama of public policy play out, especially when the bad guys lose. The commons have always been contested space and there are always those who would seize control of public space for their own use. It's satisfying to see those working against the common interest defeated. This is the whole reason for the Tattler BTW.
DeleteConversely, when the same personages are successful in taking away from what belongs to the people in common, well then that's drama I don't love. I hope I cleared this up for you.
Hey Brian, make sure you approve these comments.
ReplyDeleteBrian, please please publish my important comments on this important subject.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is indeed an important subject and FYI if you're looking for a blog site that censors comments critical to its editor or to the conservative project it has taken on, look no farther than the E'Ville Eye and its editor Rob Arias.
DeleteThis is not true. You did not approve my Cartman and Godfather comment that I think is very important to this conversation.
DeleteTo Mr Blah-
DeleteHere's a tip: Don't claim comment censorship after the Tattler posts your comments. It makes you look dumb.
Brian, how do you know I'm Mr. Blah? I could be Dr. Blah, or Miss Blah. And I am dumb.
DeleteBrian, I saw you right now on the School Board Meeting, and how could you claim you're for "trans people" when you're so quick to assume I'm a man. Like I said, I could be Ms Blah or, if I'm lucky, Mrs Blah. Or even yet if I choose I could be Mx Blah. Listen to that young board member and know your place. Stand BY them and not OVER them.
DeleteBrian, why did you ever think that an older, privileged, white man had any right to speak for one of the most marginalized people in the world? And that's after your non-gender-neutral title in calling me Mister. I know you have tons of Blog readers that tune into your Blog to read your Blogposts, but it seems you messed up on this one.
DeleteI have a right to speak because of the Constitution of the United States. It’s ensconced within the First Amendment and it’s a wonderful, wonderful thing. And I correctly called you out as a ‘mister’ because you yourself have told us that you are in fact a mister. Blah blah blah means a gay man. Blah is a cisgender man, blah blah is a cisgender woman, blah blah blah blah is a trans man, blah blah blah blah blah is a transgender woman, blah blah blah blah blah blah is a lesbian and so on. If you’re not a gay man, why did you claim to be a blah blah blah? Why did you ever think a gay man had any right to claim to not be a gay man?
DeleteBrian Donahue is a grown up Cartman.
ReplyDeleteBrian Donahue loves The Godfather Part III
ReplyDeleteIt was the weakest of the three.
DeleteWhat are you talking about? Huh? If you literally search "blah blah blah meaning" you'll get the definition "used to refer to something which is boring or without meaningful content." Which is what I was going for when I first started posting here. So again, what are you talking about?
ReplyDeleteObviously you’re not up on the latest gender identity jargon or politics. Stop paying attention and you find yourself behind. You sound old.
DeleteHahahaha, oh wow! Try Using your hip jargon at the next School Board Meeting, I'm sure you'll sound as smart as you did last time when you were calling them "trans people" and some kids had to put you in your place. Anywayyyyyys, I'm done here. I got exactly what I thought I would get from posting on this blog. Keep Bloggin', Brian. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteOh, and one more thing, Brian. It's true that the Constitution of the United States gives you the right to SPEAK to others. Too bad it doesn't say anything about LISTENING to others. Maybe it'll teach you something about helping others, and not just spewing fake jargon like "Blah Blah Blah = gay man".
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with being gay.
DeleteBut there is something wrong with being a bigot with a Blog. Called it, you're a grown-up Cartman.
DeleteAnti-anti-trans sentiment IS a form of bigotry I guess. But Mr B, you've told us your opinions on the current politics at the School Board here. What about what you're supposed to be commenting on...this story about the City's BMR program and Mr Arias? Any comments on this story? Please feel free to opine.
DeleteI do have an opinion on this story. I own a BMR unit in Emeryville and I think it's dishonorable to judge a person right now on whatever it is they are doing to get by. I also think that its horrible to post a picture of another person's family home. Where I was raised, if someone put a picture of my house online, that would've been an indication that that person had suspicious intentions (or in other words, that person wanted to start some sh*t). That's really creepy.
DeleteBut don't get it twisted, Brian. I don't care for you or Rob Arias. I do care about a cisgender white man acting like a white savior over and over again. Even with me, you are trying to speak for me as a BMR owner. Do YOU own a BMR?
DeleteBut you are back-peddling, Brian. You did it at the meeting when you were put in place by a teenager, all of a sudden you didn't want to talk about "trans people" anymore. And you're doing it now by wanting to talk about Rob. You know you messed up. "There's nothing wrong with being gay" is a homophobic thing to say because I know how you're using it. I remember middle school.
Lastly, I heard you demanded an apology from board members, well I'm demanding one from you for talking over the transgender community and for BMR owners. But given your Blog record, I know that's not your style. Keep bloggin'.
There will be more talk of transgender people here at the Tattler as well as the City's BMR program. New stories about these topics will be coming out soon. Be sure to look out for them.
DeleteNah, Brian. you still don't get it. I don't care what you have to say about these topics. Now, I know you have the right to say it because of...(wait for it) the Constitution, but nowhere on that document does it state that anybody has to pretend to listen to what you have to say. That's the point, Brian. People are tired of being afraid of what white men have to say about them. People are tired of having white men speak for them. People don't need a white savior. And I still want that apology, maybe you could put it at the end of your little piece you posted today.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that you don't care what I say but you read the Tattler. Are you aware I'm the editor?
DeleteInteresting, too that you say you're not listening to me and yet you're tired of what I say. How does that work?
And RE white people....you've made a good point: those silly, silly white people! You're tired of hearing from them (regardless that you're not listening to them) and they're everywhere!...but what are you going to do about them? It looks like you're going to continue to be exhausted. Go get some sleep.
Hahahahahaha, I don't read your Blog, Brian. I don't read any Blogs, who STILL reads blogs in 2021. I just heard there was a blowhard with a Blog and decided to be a troll for a little bit (I'm sure you know what being a troll is like), and post dumb, childish things like "Brian Donahue is a grown-up Cartman".
ReplyDeleteAnd how can someone listen to someone and be tired of what that person says? HAHAHAHA, you've never felt marginalized, huh?. We constantly HAVE TO listen to what you say because white dudes like you JUST WON'T STOP pontificating. You always want the mic and you're not giving it up.
And you know another thing? That comment on your newest Blog entry on March 5th that said something about shutting up? That wasn't even me. I don't even know that person, but I agree and I applaud them (get woke and notice my use of pronouns). But yeah, we are tired, tired of giving in to you. Do you not see how racist and homophobic it is for a cisgender white man to tell a marginalized person to just stop being tired?! We're tired because we are in a constant struggle and we remain in this struggle our whole lives. It must be nice to just sleep it off. Thank you for the sleeping tip, my savior.
Who reads blogs? Blah Blah Blah among others. And don’t worry about trolling me. I’m totally used to being trolled. I certainly bring out the troll in right wingers and they’re constantly taking it to me. Rob Arias cultist defenders have been especially prolific in their trolling over the years. Why do I bring them out? Because I don’t carry water for the neoliberal elite. I speak for the commons and that space is angrily contested by the privatizing right wing. And it’s not just the right wing. To paraphrase Marcus Aurelius; people who try to do things in the world get hated. The more you do things, the more you bring the hatred. That comes with the territory. It’s WHO hates you that brings satisfaction.
DeleteRE the school district: That dysfunctional agency has a deep culture of tribalism. They circle the wagons when they feel they’re being attacked. There are one or two people at the top that covertly don’t like transgender people and the rest fall in line as tribalist members are wont to do. Consider: if somebody calls out the district for being anti-trans, that person gets accused of being anti-trans by the tribe. Ever heard of that before? But as I said, no need to worry; tribalism means defending your tribe above all…it’s a recognized thing…something I’m aware of.
One last thing: To answer your query, yes, you cannot stop me in my work defending the commons in Emeryville (short of violence). Hundreds before you have tried…tried and failed. You can let it bring you down and continue to try or you can learn to accept it. Either way is fine with me (although I must admit I do like Emeryville Tattler trolls).
Keep pontificating, Brian. You keep proving my point for me. Keep Bloggin'.
ReplyDeleteI will continue on, thank you.
DeleteBut I have a suggestion; your (presumably) pro-transgender comments here are made under a story about Rob Arias that’s unrelated and you should consider commenting on Tattler stories more on topic. Since you started commenting, a new story has been posted titled “March 5th, 47th Street to Transition to Steve Dain Drive” and this story is about how the school district is anti-transgender, exactly the topic you’ve been commenting on. Future readers interested in the school district and transgender people will go to stories on that topic and they’ll be able to read your comments. Just a suggestion if you want more interested people to read what you have to say.
Go F yourself.