Campaign ’24 Fact Check:
Mayor Welch’s Campaign Lie Hides
Huge Deficit
She Replaces Budget Hole Reality with
Personal Fiscal Acumen Fiction
Telling voters she's "fighting for the people", we're left wondering what people the Mayor is talking about?
Take a look at any of the expensive election flyers hitting your mailbox from Mayor Courtney Welch and your take away will be that she’s personally responsible for and a capable financial steward of the people’s money at City Hall. What she’s not telling us this election season is Emeryville is in dire fiscal straights, saddled with a $12 million budget deficit this year, the worst in Emeryville history. Mum's the word on this now but we think it will be quietly announced after the election.
City Hall’s financial problem is walloping and growing. The deficit, at $12 million, amounts to almost $1000 in red ink for every Emeryville resident. Not only does the Mayor hide the sea of red ink from voters, she flips the script: “Mayor Welch has a proven track record of delivering results for Emeryville families” , she says in her campaign flyers. And then she lists as her top achievement that she is “Maintaining a financially solvent city”.
Never mind that the Mayor is pandering to a fake demographic, families (of which Emeryville has the lowest percentage of any city in the East Bay), the bragging about her financial acumen against a massive deficit done on her watch, is Orwellian manipulation meant to deceive the voters. This is a lie.
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From a Courtney Welch Mailed Campaign Flyer Our hornswoggling Mayor tells voters how great a job she has done with the budget. |
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The Tattler gives this a "Pants on Fire". |
Welsh came in on a lie/fib about her housing situation and several items in her bio were flagged as well. So, this recent financial debacle should be no surprise. One would think Welsh's closely collaborating Councilpersons would hold her feet to the "pants on "fire" situation since they may soon:
ReplyDelete1) inherit her incompetence as a new Mayor 2) become seen as responsible for the financial crisis too, and 3) guilty since they remain largely silent while problems fester.
The City Ethics Review we fought hard for, after two years was totally watered down by Bauters' "lawyeresque" write up that an early ChatGpt could do a much better job of, so there is essentially no oversight of the Emeryville City Council decisions. Welch, ever the eager to please Bauters continues a cultivated protégé with her unseemly and devil may care attitudes. Worse yet, she set the low bar for "nasty social media posting" as a way to conduct herself as our Mayor. The city remains non-transparent, non- democratic, social media moronic, and financially incompetent. VOTE!
Quit making up numbers. There’s no such source for this info.
ReplyDeleteSource: The City of Emeryville.
DeleteIf you had the source, you would have included a link or photo in your story. The fake story on John Bauters, you posted a photo of an IEC form that’s not even Bauters’ direct campaign.
DeleteRelying on your Kalimah Priforce feeding you misinformation is not a source of info.
There are a few Bauters/Welch trolls that read the Tattler. We welcome them and all regular people too. Bauters/Welch cannot countenance info going out that they’ve delivered a massive budget deficit on their watch. They both need just two more weeks.
ReplyDeleteThis link you post is from more than two years ago from the conservative news site in Emeryville, a critic of the Tattler. Try linking a Tattler story at his site and see how the right wing news guy editor refuses to post it. There is a philosophic difference between the left and the right: the left is about openness and free speech and the right is against that.
DeleteThis conservative news guy used to live in Emeryville but he moved to the suburbs. He was vehemently against Emeryville’s minimum wage ordinance, then being discussed. He uses his blog as a platform for the business community and he lives off their support. He’s literally being paid by the businesses he’s supposed to report objectively about. Those that pay Rob get favorable news stories. it’s a classic scam. Because the business community hates the minimum wage, Rob used his blog to try to stop the new ordinance. I’m in favor of Emeryville’s progressive minimum wage. Rob’s sore about it because his paymasters are sore about it. That’s all you need to know about all his histrionics.
ReplyDeleteThis link you post is from two years ago from the conservative news site in Emeryville, a critic of the Tattler. Try linking a Tattler story at his site and see how the right wing news guy editor refuses to post it. There is a philosophic difference between the left and the right: the left is about openness and free speech and the right is against that.
DeleteI’m a well known critic of bad government in Emeryville (and I actually LIVE in Emeryville). Bad government like the School Board at Emery Unified. Because I’m critical, some Board members can’t handle that and they then refuse to interact with me; a dereliction of duty for a School Board member, especially since I’m a parent of a child then enrolled at Emery.
When she ran for School Board, Regina Chagolla promised to be accountable to the parents. But after taking office, she refused to answer my emailed, phoned in and texted questions about her policies that were impacting my daughter at Emery High School. So I went to her fundraiser event in a restaurant, trying to get answers there, thinking maybe she would be embarrassed and then hear my questions. But she refused to listen even in this public venue and she told the restaurant owner to kick me out. Then she called the police on me. I left when the police told me to leave. Many parents seeking answers from their child’s school would attempt to get answers legally such as what I did. No apologies for this. When elected public officials refuse to answer questions about their public policy in the normal way, I seek them out in public. Board member Chagolla brought this on herself. It is the School Board’s ethical and moral duty to answer parent’s questions, even if the questions are tough and even if the parent is unpopular.
Thank you for the insight. I have had personal dealings with Mayor Welch, to say that she is rude is an understatement.
ReplyDeletePoliticians lie about this kind of thing all the time. If she told the truth, there's a good chance she wouldn't get re-elected. And that's how that works.
ReplyDeleteThis is probably why she refused to answer Emeryville News candidate questionnaire. The only candidate running to decline to answer it.
ReplyDeleteShe was hand selected by John Bauters to take over for him after he leaves. She's his heir apparent.
ReplyDeleteNo. John Bauters selected dave moura as the heir. Courtney term ends this year and she won’t be reelected especially with Mia installed by Kalimah to take courtney voters.