Emeryville Rights a Historic Wrong
Today the City of Emeryville has made good on its promise to account for the 1976 wrongful termination of Emery teacher Steve Dain, fired for who he was: a transgender person mentoring/instructing Emeryville children. Workers arrived at the corner of San Pablo Avenue and the former 47th Street shortly after 1:30 PM and within a few minutes the new street sign proclaiming Emeryville values was installed. A small group of people gathered at the site to witness the historic event including Mayor Diane Martinez and Councilman John Bauters.
Only the block west of San Pablo Avenue extending to Doyle Street is named for Mr Dain the City reports.
The renaming of 47th Street Steve Dain Drive, will forever serve as a reminder that the City of Emeryville will not exclude anyone in our community for who they are and that all are welcome here. The Emery Unified School District Board of Trustees, the body that facilitated the termination 45 years ago, passed an official resolution on March 10th apologizing for the firing of the popular teacher for "immorality" on the site that now bears his name; 1100 Steve Dain Drive.
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Mayor Martinez (left) and Councilman Bauters brought their four legged companions to witness Emeryville's latest bending of the arc towards justice. |
John Bauters grandstanding again.
ReplyDeleteBrian Donahue grandstanding again. Here is a privileged old white man who stereotypes transgender people for his own ego.
ReplyDeleteWhy is being white a freaking issue?? I'm so sick of it.
DeleteCareful Blah Blah Blah, DB might accuse you of not being thankful for everything he does for the community. He's always talking about fighting the elites, not realizing that in the scheme of things he's also part of the elite.
ReplyDeleteI’m not sure who DB is but if you mean me, I will say, yes I do realize I’m part of the media elite in Emeryille and the primary raison d’ĂȘtre for the Tattler is holding the elite accountable.
DeleteA problem with conservatives is that they are frequently intolerant. This is something progressives are commonly disdainful of. So conservatives are intolerant and progressives are intolerant of intolerance. Does that make the two equal? Should progressives embrace intolerance so they cannot be accused of being intolerant?
I know people from the other side don’t like the Tattler and that’s to be expected. So, no, I don’t need or expect people to be thankful for the Tattler.
Hello Bee Dee, did you not get a chance to approve my last 2 comments? I'm not sure if there was a glitch in the system and you didn't get them or maybe you're just too busy these days. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI approve every comment except advertisements, overtly salacious material or egregious personal attacks against people other than me. I never received your comments. Perhaps you didn't click the 'post' button. You are required to scroll up to see the post button and that has flummoxed people in the past. Try again and make sure to post the comment before you leave the site. If it still doesn't work, please contact me and I will look into the problem.
DeleteI believe I said something about your tone. You might be on the side of being anti-conservative or whatever, which is cool, but your tone is so off-putting. You sound antagonistic ALL THE TIME. Why are you constantly barking, both in the articles you post and in the manner you speak? If you really are part of the media elite (and you're not, the tattler is not "media elite", haha but for the sake of argument let's just say you are), then why not use it to actually help people and the community, instead of constantly picking fights? How about using your influence to fundraise for local charities? Or how about posting an article on how and where to get the vaccine? Just a thought.
ReplyDeleteMedia elite: The Tattler is media and insofar as the elite are a small group of people who have a disproportionate amount of influence, then it's true; in Emeryville the Tattler is the media elite.
DeleteAs I’ve informed my readers many times, the Tattler is here to hold the Emeryville government and business elite accountable. We’re not interested in reporting when they are functioning as they’re supposed to. We’re only interested when they screw up. When they function as they should, it’s called ‘not news’. This information BTW is extremely helpful to the community and is in fact crucial for a democracy to function.
If you want to tell the community how they can donate money to charities or get a vaccine, you should start your own community information website. You can also report to the community how wonderful City Hall is and Pixar and other corporations are if you want, even though they’re constantly telling us that themselves.
As long as you don’t use your new website to generate money for yourself, I’ll even allow you to notify Tattler readers of its existence and address. Good luck.
Oh I get it, you're proud of how you sound. I don't know man, there's a better way to do it. We're just coming off 4 years of a white president constantly barking at us, so now in 2021 when we hear a white dude barking our red flags go up. Can you see where we're coming from? I get that you want to hold people accountable, but you're coming off as a bully. But I guess I might be talking to a public persona. In real life you might be an ok guy, but what we see is an angry white guy.
ReplyDeleteWell, owing to the fact that a bully is defined as a blustering, browbeating person who is cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable, then I’d have to say the Tattler is not a bully or bullying. Remember, our targets are the governing and business elites. These are the people that set public policy that affects all people in the community. The elite are powerful, the Tattler (compared to them) is not. What we’re doing here, because it’s directed at the powerful, is speaking truth to power. It’s like if you wrote a letter to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune complaining about the police department about them murdering George Floyd. No matter how browbeating your letters were, you could not be properly called a bully to the Minneapolis Police Department. They COULD bully you though. The essential ingredient in a bullying relationship is power.
DeleteWhite dudes are everywhere in America. Some are bullies and some speak truth to power. If you want to keep calling me a bully, I’ll always facilitate that for you (not very bullying of me). You’ve always got a place to rage here in the Tattler comments section. So by all means: rage on.
I didn't say the tattler is a bully, I said YOU are. And yeah, a white male with influence and part of the media elite could be called out as a bully. The same way you see big business and conservatives as people that should be called out, minorities see white males with influence and part of the media elite as people that should be called out. I'm only suggesting you soften your tone to help with your message cause in 2021 that's important, isn't it? I mean, you want more non-white readers, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm the editor of the Tattler. Stories that are posted always go through me, even if I don't write some of them. I control the narrative of the Emeryville Tattler. If I'm bullying (as you call it) the government and business elite, the Tattler is also and vice versa. Also, the Tattler is not monetized in any way. We don't have a pecuniary interest in driving clicks. We have our bias that we forward and people can take it or leave it. Either way is fine. There's no way Republicans can be talked out of being a Republican for instance and so we don't try to. Our stories aren't for right wing ideologues even though we let them freely opine here. My 'tone' is perfect for what I'm doing here. Like I said, you should start your own Emeryville news site and use a softer tone. If non-white people don't like what the Tattler offers, they don't have to read it. They can go to your news site....and that goes the same for white people.
DeleteThanks for your comment.
So you're not interested in getting a more diverse audience?
ReplyDeleteOnly insofar as they're willing to read what's on offer. I'm not going to pander to anyone. I don't need or want the Tattler to become the next big thing. I want it to do what it does.
DeleteI see it clearly now. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm a different person. But it sounds like you don't care about all the people of Emeryville, just the people that agree with you? Am I correct in that? And before you accuse me of anything, I don't own a business, I'm not rich, I don't have a brother in politics, and I am def not part of the elite. And could you refrain from going off on a tangent when answering my question, and just answer the question of you not caring for people that don't agree with you?
ReplyDeleteYou are not correct in that.
DeleteYou can't have your cake and eat it, too. You can't say that you're for the people of Emeryville and then say you don't care for the people of Emeryville that don't like how you represent them. I know you're against Trump, but you have the same take-it-or-leave-it attitude where you're saying "fuck everyone that disagrees with me", even if those people agree with your message.
ReplyDeleteAt first you said you said you want no 'tangent' from me, just a simple answer to your question and after I provided that, now you want a tangent. Here's your tangent:
DeleteMy cake is a beautiful layered thing with delicate colored sugar filagree traceries topped with a magnificent edible scaled model of the Parthenon, complete with miniature Elgin Marbles on the gable ends. The cake consists of vast quantities of sugar but also the Emeryville commons and the public policy that supports it. I never eat the cake because that would destroy it. Even though it is my cake, it’s also everyone’s cake. I just like to proclaim its wondrous and sublime beauty to the entire community. The cake is not to be eaten, it’s here to remind us of our blessings as citizens but also of our duties as such. The haters in the community that can’t see its beauty want to destroy the cake. There are always haters to the beautiful things people construct. Even though the haters always represent a minority, they can have an undue influence if normal people forget about the cake. The cake’s virtuous beauty needs to be front and center in the peoples' minds. That’s the purpose of the Tattler: to tell people that the cake is good but not to eat it. Thanks for referencing the cake.
That's not true, I can tell by pictures of you that you've eaten a lot of cake in your day. We do have an obesity problem in this country. Go get some exercise and maybe try to be better person, Bee Dee.
ReplyDeleteI can tell by your comments you’re a cake hater. You and fellow haters may try to eat and destroy our cake but we will protect it. The haters may at times seem to have the power to consume the whole thing but all they’ve managed to do over the years is nibble at its margins, even during the height of the Nora Davis regime. The cake remains.
DeleteI would never eat the ‘Cake of the Emeryville Commons’ but I do love fried chicken and I’ve got a glorious layer of subcutaneous fat I’ve earned over the years. You are obviously jealous of my fat and it’s easy to see why. You’re nothing but skin and bones…a waif that can be blown over with the slightest zephyr. Exercise is for losers. I don’t think you’re capable of being a good person, Cake Hater.
Listen to your doctor, Brian and watch that gut. We wouldn't want you to have a heart attack after all that fried chicken. What would Emeryville do without their tattler posts?! Keep it greasy, B-Dizzle.
ReplyDeleteBody shaming? Really? WTF? Nice bunch of readers you've cultivated there at the Tattler.